giovedì 20 agosto 2020

N.H. DANNY WISE the King of Extra Luxury

 J like beautifull think, that are well made, j even belive aesthetics are equivalent to ethics.


DANNY WISE, Fra i 5 top Model nel Mondo fino al 92, Sex Simbol, Enfant Prodige, dell’Esclusivo e Fatato mondo dell’Lusso Danny Wise, Presidente della sua casa di moda, Stilista, Fotografo ed anche Regista. Artista a 360 gradi N. H.  Uomo colto, raffinatissimo, cosmopolita e poliglotta acuto osservatore e costruttore di forme e contenuto entrambi importantissimi, dove nessun dettaglio è mai lasciato caso, è Lui stesso per tanti un genio, per alcuni già un mito.DANNY WISE: 51 premi internazionali, tra cui 4 premi oscar e 2 onorificenze da 2 Papi ( Cattolico ed Ortodosso ) oggi senza dubbio e' la mano piu' raffinata per il Lusso del 3° Millennio.

DANNY WISE, Among the 5 top models in the world up to 92, Sex Simbol, Enfant Prodige, of the Exclusive and Fairy world of the Russian Danny Wise, President of his fashion house, Stylist, Photographer and also Director. Artist at 360 degrees N.H. Cultured man, refined, cosmopolitan and polyglot keen observer and builder of forms and content both very important, where no detail is ever left to chance, he is himself a genius for many, for some he is already a myth. DANNY WISE: 51 international awards, including 4 oscar awards and 2 honors from 2 Popes (Catholic and Orthodox) today without a doubt is the most refined hand for Luxury of the 3rd Millennium.

DANNY WISE, parmi les 5 meilleurs mannequins du monde jusqu’à 92 ans, Sex Simbol, Enfant Prodige, du monde exclusif et féerique de Luxury Danny Wise, président de sa maison de couture, styliste, photographe et également directeur. Un artiste complet, N. H. Un homme cultivé, extrêmement raffiné, cosmopolite et polyglotte, observateur aiguisé et créateur de formes et de contenus très importants, où aucun détail n'est laissé au hasard, il est un génie pour beaucoup, pour certains déjà un mythe.DANNY WISE: 51

récompenses internationales, dont 4 Oscars et 2 Papes (catholiques et orthodoxes), sont sans aucun doute la main la plus raffinée du 3ème millénaire de luxe.

DANNY WISE, entre los 5 mejores modelos del mundo hasta 1992, Sex Simbol, Enfant Prodige, del mundo exclusivo Danny Wise, presidente de su casa de moda, estilista, fotógrafo y también director. Artista de 360 ​​grados N. H. Hombre culto, observador y constructor de formas y contenido refinado, cosmopolita y políglota, ambos muy importantes, donde ningún detalle se deja al azar, él mismo es un genio para muchos, para algunos ya es un mito. DANNY WISE: 51 premios internacionales, incluidos 4 premios Oscar y 2 honores de 2 Papas (católicos y ortodoxos), hoy sin duda es la mano más refinada para el lujo del tercer milenio.

In a "WILD" World, We have always been faithful to Ourselves by being "WISE";

 In a "WILD" World,

We have always been faithful to Ourselves by being "WISE";

Mrs. Wise

t.shirt logo gold from euro 250
   euro  oro 250 
       oleogram e paillettes euro 400 

      oleogram e paillettes euro 400 
Jacket black in ottoman silk and cotton double brest 6 botton with logo, inside , worked couture way.... euro 2800

Peonia gold metal and silk Euro 1000

DANNY WISE Official Client Service
From Monday to Saturday
From 10,00 Since 20.00 Italian time.
Tel. 0039 371 1375821
Whats app: 0039 371 1375821
Skype: DANNY WISE Client Service
FB: DANNY-WISE-Client-Service